Due to the availability of cheap sensor devices, lifelogging has become increasingly important over the last years. A lifelog captures almost every single moment of a lifelogger and can be used for several purposes, such as a simple collection of the most important events in your life, or as a visual prosthesis for elderly people.
The Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC) is an international content-search competition that is performed on lifelogging data. The LSC took place as a workshop at the ICMR 2018 and ICMR 2019 conference already, and is planned to continue at ICMR 2020 (ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval). Similarly to the VideoBrowserShowdown, a server issues search tasks to all participating teams, which are described by the lifelogger through a fuzzy (partially incomplete or incorrect) textual description. The participating teams try to find the described target scene as fast as possible and submits the search result to the server.
LSC 2019 was a great success – nine teams were competing against each other for 20 queries (10 for experts and another 10 for novice users) that were selected from an entire month of data, collected by a real lifelogger.
The winning team was the vitrivr team from Basel, Switzerland (Luca Rossetto, Ralph Gasser, Silvan Heller, Mahnaz Amiri Parian and Heiko Schuldt). Congratulations!!!
More information about the LSC can be found here.